Thursday, May 27, 2010


So here I am again. It's been a while since I've blogged, and whild I've been away I've: gotten divorced, changed my major, moved back to my family farm, watched my kids blossom, fallen in and out of love, and changed my major back again. While all that was going on, I discovered the intiguing (and addicting) world of Facebook (with a very brief dabbling into Twitter). I've got to say, there's something infinately appealing about being able to jot down one or two sentences (or somethings fragments) and get feedback. Yes, I'm that shallow. Why am I back here? Do I honestly think anyone will follow this (often mindless) drabble, intterupted by entirely too many parenthesis? Probably not. But the writer in my longed for something a bit deeper, even if sometimes I'm sure the things I'll write about will be far from deep.

For those that don't know me (which, I'm sure, includes most who've stumbled upon here) I'm Charlie, Mama to Abby (5), Raph (3), and my angel in heaven, Aaron. I've lived almost my whole life in south Louisiana. I'm mostly Cajun (about 3/5ths, by my closest estimate), the rest is Scottish, British, Native American, German, and a questionable amount of Russian. I'm an English major; for those wondering what I'd switched it to for a while, it was Nursing (English, Nursing, English... a nursing sandwich on lit bread). Have I mentioned I tend to be corny? I love to paint, write poetry and short stories, and spending time with my kids. I love music, sports, and movies, but don't count on me to know the names of bands, players, or actors. I love being outside. More than anything else in the world, though, I love my children. Without them, I have nothing. There aren't a whole lot of things I dislike, generally speaking, minor annoyances pass fairly quickly. This is probably because I have the attention span of a gnat. I'm Roman Catholic, but I love studying other religions, particualarly Buddhism. I'm both pro-life and pro-environment, which some find contradictory, but I find are very much in harmony with each other. For me, being pro-life means that I am a pacifist; against the death penalty and abortion; a supporter of groups that promote acceptance, peace, and equality. I'm not a fan of big government or big business. I'm an idealist. Anything else about me that's important, I'm sure you'll find out eventually.

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